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Which are the most common mistakes that an engineering student do?

Which are the most common mistakes that an engineering student do

Which are the most common mistakes that an engineering student do?

The most common mistakes that an engineering student do knowingly or unknowingly during their entire academics are as listed below:-

1. Not referring standard textbooks.

  • The top most problem an engineering student will face during its entire life is not having good concepts.
Now what i meant by good concepts?
Some of the students will think that we are in good colleges and our professor's are teaching us everything and we are referring their notes or some local textbooks so where is the lack in concepts?

The answer is when a someone teaches you something then he/she will teach you with what they understood about the topic. Now you will think what is the problem in that?

See, when someone teaches you a topic you will take the explanation as granted and don't think about how that particular explanation justifies the topic. So read standard textbooks always. Then it doesn't mean that you shouldn't attend the lectures. What I am saying is after listening the lectures, try to refer standard books. This standard textbooks will clear your basics.
I will discuss the list of standard textbooks for electrical engineering in future blogs.

2. Not asking silly doubts to professor

"During 4 years of engineering if you don't get the silly doubts, believe me you are lacking in knowledge"

Don't get afraid of asking doubts in class just because faculty and your classmates will make fun of you. Believe me clearing those doubts with professor or sometimes from book will boost your confidence only. Don't let you go like "This are the silly doubts and they will not ask such questions in exam"

Silly doubts will make your basics more clear and if basics are clear then the tougher things will be more easy for you. I remember when i was in my college days, my professor use to told me that "Silly doubts are the most crucial ones". so, focus on this point.

3. Not taking the practicals/experiments seriously.

For an engineering student, practicals will make their understanding more clear and can imagine the solutions of some real life problems. Don't just go in labs to do some wiring connections or taking readings. Ask them, what is actually happening in the experiment. 

In most of the colleges, the practical labs are designed to allow students only to connect some wires, taking readings and yes the experiment was done. So, in the long run, the student's will only suffer because of such lack of knowledge. So, you should ask them question at each step, wherever you don't understand something. At last, you are paying them for this only.

So, this are the most common mistakes that an engineering student do. I hope you have got some good and relevant information from this blog. Just follow this points and i promise you will never regret in your life.

Feel free to ask any doubt/query in the comment section or you can contact us through mail.



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