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MCQs on Power Systems, Part-1 Generation

This posts will provide you MCQ's on power system chapter-1 Generation. This MCQ's will help you to clear various state electricity board exams and also helps in interviews.

Power system is a subject that deals with the generation, transmission, distribution and the utilization of electrical energy. For an electrical engineer, it is a very important and core subject.

MCQs on Power Systems
Chapter-1 Generation

1) Which is not a non conventional energy sources?

  • Solar
  • Diesel
  • Biomass
  • Hydro
2) Which type of generator are used for non renewable power generation?
  • DC generator
  • Induction generator
  • Synchronous generator
  • All of the above
3) A generating station which converts heat energy from the combustion of coal into electrical energy is known as _________?
  • Steam power station.
  • Nuclear power station
  • Geothermal power station
  • Biomass power station
4) Which power stations comes under the category of peak load plants?
  • Nuclear power plant
  • Hydro power plant
  • Wind power plant
  • Solar power plant
5) Which auxillary equipment is not present in Nuclear power plant?
  • Steam turbine
  • Condenser
  • Heat exchanger
  • Ash handling plant
6) Which power station has highest initial cost?
  • Steam power plant
  • Hydroelectric power plant
  • Nuclear power plant
  • Diesel power plant
7) Which power plant has the highest efficiecy?
  • Nuclear power plant.
  • Hydroelectric power plant
  • Steam power plant
  • Diesel power plant
8) The overall efficiency of a steam power station is quite low due to?
  • Large amount of heat loss in condenser
  • Heat loss in various parts
  • Both (a) and (b)
  • None of these
9) Transportation cost of fuel is more for which power station?
  • Nuclear
  • Steam
  • Hydro
  • Diesel
10) Advantages of using a superheater in steam power station?
  • Reduces steam consumption per given output
  • Improves the overall efficiency
  • Prevents the corrosion of turbine blades due to absence of mositure
  • All of the above
11) About 70-80% of power generation is done by using _______?
  • Steam power station
  • Hydroelectric power station
  • Nuclear power station
  • Diesel power station
12) Which is not true about steam power plants?
  • Power station can be located near the load centres
  • Requires more space as compared to the hydroelectric power station.
  • It pollutes the atmosphere due to production of flue gases and smoke
  • Most efficient
13) which points are taken into consideration while selecting a site for hydroelectric power station?
  • Sufficient quantity of water is available at reasonable height
  • More area is required
  • Proper transportation facilities should be there
  • All of the above
14) Purpose of spill way in hydroelectric power station?
  • To discharge excess of water from reservoir
  • Act as a safety valve for dam
  • Both (a) and (b)
15) Purpose of surge tank in hydroelectric power station?
  • To provide better regulation of flow of water when the load on the system fluctuates
  • Stores water when load decreases and supplies extra water when load suddenly increases
  • It controls the pressure variation in the penstock and thus prevents water hammer effects
  • All of the above
16) Francis and kaplan turbine is used for_______?
  • High head
  • Low and medium head
  • Low head
  • All of the above
17) For a steam power station, the thermal efficiency is 25% and electrical efficiency is 90%. Find the overall efficiency of the power station?
  • 22.5%
  • 27%
  • 30.7%
  • 24.6%
18) In steam power station, Economisers are used to ________?
  • Feed water
  • Flow flue gases
  • Feed steam
  • None of these
19) which is true about air preheater used in steam power station?
  • It increases the temperature of air supplied to the boiler
  • It is placed between economiser and chimney
  • It increases the thermal efficiency
  • All of the above
20) Diesel power plants are used as ____________ plants?
  • Peak load plants
  • Base load plants
  • Standby plants
21) Out of the below mentioned power plants, which is the most simple and clean plant?
  • Steam power plant
  • Hydroelectric power plant
  • Diesel power plant
  • Nuclear power plant

Hope you like the content available on this site. Do visit other posts which includes in detail explanation about various topics in electrical engineering.

Want to know more:

1) synchronous generator vs induction generator

2) power system faults and their consequences


  1. Your mcq's are very helpful plzz keep it coming.

    1. Thanks. ๐Ÿ˜Š
      Do follow the blog for further content.


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